
Pukekohe station reopened on 3 February 2025, with electric trains serving the station for the first time. We went out and had a look at the section between Papakura and Pukekohe after reopening

Christmas lights returned to the Glenbrook Vintage Railway for 2024, bigger than ever with two trains running. DBR 1295 and Ww 480 took command of the 9-car GVR train, while DBR 1254 and Ww 644 ran shuttle trips on the KiwiRail network to the steel mill at Mission Bush and return

In October 2024, KiwiRail took delivery of 200 brand new GSH class containers, featuring colourful artwork on the side in place of the old standard of a blank red canvas. 160 of these new containers are seen from our live stream, being delivered to Auckland on two different train 334X runs two days apart

DC 4818 made its first trip onto the KiwiRail network as a heritage vehicle after restoration, on a test run from Glenbrook to Waharoa and return. Along for the ride was DBR 1254, providing a load via its dynamic brake as well as a backup locomotive

Glenbrook Vintage Railway's SA and SD carriages were all moved from Taumarunui in the past few weeks on two separate trains, with the first relocating four SDs and the second relocating nine SAs, as well as two SDs for Steam Inc. Both trains are seen here in the Pōkeno area, with DBR 1254 in charge

Join us for a return journey aboard the Northern Explorer, from Papakura to Wellington and return. We spend most of our time on board in the open air viewing car, taking in the sights and sounds of the journey

A quick jaunt around the Wellington suburban network, including a ride on the Hutt Valley Line and seeing its construction work, carriage trains at Wellington station, and a short ride up the Johnsonville Line

Join us for a ride on the Wellington Cable Car from Kelburn to Lambdon Quay, including a first-hand view of the light shows inside the tunnels

Part 2 of our coverage of EMU test runs to Pukekohe, with AM 836 doing another series the following day. The train is seen here at a number of locations along the line on its various journeys between Papakura and Pukekohe

Becoming the first EMU to run to Pukekohe under its own power, AM 836 ran to the newly electrified station on a test run. The tests come a week after power was switched on for the first time south of Papakura

Once a month, MOTAT puts on a live steam day, with their steam trains running on the Western Springs Railway. We took a ride behind Y 542, and also scored a ride on steam tram #100

Becoming the first EMU to visit Pukekohe, AM 306 formed part of TT19 from Wiri to Pukekohe, with Glenbrook Vintage Railway's DBR 1254 towing the EMU from Papakura to Pukekohe. The train checked clearances at all four stations south of Papakura, including at all four platforms at Pukekohe

An uncommon sight on the Auckland rail network is two wrapped units coupled together - with a handful of wrapped units roaming the network, the chances of two of them together is quite low. Here, AM 509 and AM 674 pair up on a Southern Line service to Waitematā, seen here departing Puhinui

Taking advantage of a day off between a Thursday public holiday and a weekend, we follow trains 482 and 483 on the Kinleith Branch between Waharoa and Kinleith. DL 9279 was in charge of the two trains for the day, dropping off empty wagons then returning with loaded wagons to Mt Maunganui

On the nights of 8 and 9 March 2024, singer Pink stopped in Auckland for two shows as part of her Summer Carnival tour. Auckland's rail network played a large part of moving these crowds to and from Eden Park, moving almost half of these people to and from Kingsland and Morningside stations. Join us as we head along to the concert from Papatoetoe on the Eastern Line to Kingsland

The Glenbrook Vintage Railway returned to the Waikato region after last year's successful steam trips, with Ww 644 once again heading trips out of Hamilton. After four shuttle trips to Ruakura, we followed the train from Hamilton to Huntly on the River Steam Rover

For the first time since the first COVID-19 lockdowns in March 2020, Thomas the Tank Engine visited Glenbrook Vintage Railway alongside his friends. The weekend of 2 and 3 March 2024 saw Thomas, Ww 480 and Ww 644 all running on the railway, with the two Wws running between Glenbrook and Fernleigh. Additionally, DBR 1254 slotted in between the two main trains with a charter service from Victoria Ave to Glenbrook and return

Join us for a ride on the Goldfields Railway, with highlights of the journey between Waihi and Waikino. The Goldfields Railway was formed in 1980 to preserve the section between Waihi and Waikino, after the Kaimai Tunnel made the line from Paeroa to Apata redundant

Join us as travel on board Te Huia from The Strand station in Auckland to Frankton station in Hamilton, showing highlights along the trip. Also featured is train MP99, which passed through between services, and train 102 departing Puhinui station on the opposing main (opposite platform from usual) towards Auckland

In recent weeks, Te Huia's SRV driving carriages have been leading trains 100, 102 and 104 in revenue service, over a year after the first trials and training runs. We catch the first two of these trains between Pōkeno and Drury in the first weeks of operations in the push mode. In Drury, the train also passes under electrification infrastructure being installed

A different sort of load on train 225S was spotted on 9 September 2023, with ten Martinus ballast wagons heading south after testing at the Glenbrook Vintage Railway. With DL 9475 and DL 9112 in charge of the train, the wagons started their journey south to the South Island for contract work, spotted here between Tuakau and Ngaruawahia

Open to the public for the first time (previous trips were private charters), Ww 644 made a series of trips between Hamilton, Te Awamutu and Morrinsville, all of which were fully booked. We followed the train between Hamilton and Morrinsville, named the Town & Country Steam Limited, on the first afternoon run

After delivery in April 2023, the latest batch of ten DL class locomotives entered service through June 2023, making their initial runs on the Golden Triangle and to Kinleith. Near our headquarters in Pokeno, seven of the ten new arrivals have been spotted in service, which we caught around the Waikato township

A level crossing bell has recently been installed at Glenbrook station, bringing back the feature after it was removed when the platform was extended. Seen here in use during the last weekend of services for the 2022/23 season, the bell protected Ww 644 and a standard consist of 5 carriages. The train is seen here arriving at Glenbrook, running around then departing again

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