Pukekohe Electrification and Upgrades

Following the progress of rail upgrades and electrification between Papakura and Pukekohe
174 photos in this gallery. Showing photos 25 - 48

Track work through Pukekohe is progressing well, with construction work for the EMU stabling yard also under way to the right

25 March 2023

New directing signals for Down trains in various stages of installation at Pukekohe

25 March 2023

The one operational track sits in the middle of the work area, with platform work to the left and right in this view

25 March 2023

The Pukekohe station building is due to be moved to Matangi in the near future. In the meantime, it remains on the platform

25 March 2023

The train giving our view passes the existing platform as well as the new one

25 March 2023

A wider view of the platform work at Pukekohe, with various new signals

25 March 2023

A new directing signal from the new platform is partially installed

25 March 2023

The Down Main temporarily passes straight through here, with points to be installed at a later date

25 March 2023

At the northern end of the station, new signals guard entry to station limits. From the rust on the tracks, it's clear to see which tracks are in use or not at present

25 March 2023

Further north of Pukekohe, masts have started to be fitted out to hold the overhead wiring

25 March 2023

At Pukekohe, a new track was laid and connected over the Easter holidays, and is now in service as the Down Main

14 April 2023

Looking north, the new track is in service alongside the original southbound platform, with trains using this track through the work site

14 April 2023

The original northbound track has now been lifted in preparation for rebuilding and rearranging

14 April 2023

On the old stabing yard, work is well under way to construct a new island platform, with two tracks

14 April 2023

Plenty of machinary around as the new platform is built alongside track work

14 April 2023

A few days later, the shelters have been removed from the station building and loaded onto a truck

24 April 2023

The shelters that formerly sat over the platform at Pukekohe are now loaded onto a truck, ready for the journey to the building's new home in Matangi near the Hautapu Branch

24 April 2023

The station building still on the existing platform, but without the shelters

24 April 2023

The edges of the new platforms waiting for the rest of the platform and track

24 April 2023

Just north of Pukekohe, overhead masts are in place on the approach to station limits

26 April 2023

Looking over the start of station limits, new masts and signals are up waiting for fitout of wiring

26 April 2023

Over Cape Hill Road in Pukekohe, the first wire has been strung up along the line

26 April 2023

Looking the other way, the first wire passes through a gantry. The wire appears to stop just short of Pukekohe station limits at this stage

26 April 2023

At Paerata, masts with some fitted out follow the line around the corner towards Karaka

26 April 2023

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