Auckland Freights

Freight trains around the Auckland region
430 photos in this gallery. Showing photos 1 - 24

DXB 5143 leads MP24 (a rake of completely empty wagons) past the old Mitre 10 store

29 November 2009

DC 4260 and DC 4064 pass Papakura Station on a rather long train for two DCs

12 December 2009

DFB 7173 passes Papakura Station on a 39 total train 228

12 December 2009

DC 4317 on train 230, about to pass through Manurewa station

2 February 2010

DXR 8022 heads train MP12 north early on a Saturday morning

13 February 2010

Newly repainted DXB 5080 heads train MP24 north through Papakura

21 February 2010

Freshly repainted, DXB 5016 heads train MP23 to Mt Manganui

23 May 2010

Containers cross Opaheke Rd behind DXB 5016

23 May 2010

DXB 5016 leads train MP3 through Papakura Station

14 December 2010

DC 4375 waits to depart Papakura for Britomart, while DXB 5143 with train MP4 slows down for a red signal, to let DC 4375 pass

6 April 2011

DFT 7049 and DC 4323 lead train 210 through Papakura

16 September 2011

DL 9112 cautiously leads train MP5 through Papakura station around the double ADL on Platform 1

2 April 2012

DFB 7173 leads train 227 through Papakura station as DLs 9072 and 9129 lead train 230 the other way

3 April 2012

A Silver Fern railcar trails behind 227

3 April 2012

DC 4438 leads train 210 through Papakura station

24 April 2012

DH 2839 picks up ZXF, ZXT and ZH class wagons from Mainfreight

6 May 2012

DH 2839 waits for the signal before making the short trip to Westfield

6 May 2012

DL 9066 runs light through Papakura

24 July 2012

DL 9164 leads train 228 through Papakura during a shutdown weekend

22 September 2012

DL 9066 leads DQ 6382 and DQ 6347 on train 232S through Papakura. The two DQs are headed for South Africa

27 April 2013

DFT 7282 arrives with a short train B10

20 July 2013

DL 9204 leads train MP9S past Flanagan Road

15 December 2013

Long-time Auckland resident DBR 1226 pairs with new-to-Auckland DBR 1267, running light loco to the port through the Orakei Basin

24 January 2014

With a yacht fuel-laden MP4S in tow, DL 9135 cruises through Papakura

26 January 2014

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