Waikato Freights

Freight trains from around the Waikato region
23 photos in this gallery. Showing photos 1 - 23

DL 9325 brings train MP6 through Tuakau, passing freshly laid ballast

19 October 2022

Train MP6 rolls under Park Ave with DL 9325 in charge

19 October 2022

The train passes around the curves marking where Tuakau station once stood, with the tracks never being straightened after the station's closure

19 October 2022

DL 9020 leads train 138 up the grade through Pokeno towards Mission Bush, with tanks of lime and empty steel wagons in tow

16 January 2023

Heading down the grade on a weekend metroport service, DL 9106 drifts downhill into Pokeno with train MP7S in tow

21 January 2023

At full noise the other way, DL 9020 leads train 228 towards Auckland

21 January 2023

The two trains crossing each other on the Whangarata bank at Pokeno

21 January 2023

In poor weather, DL 9014 leads train 138 up the grade through Pokeno. With recent severe weather causing flooding and slips across the Auckland network, train services north of Hamilton (including Te Huia and Auckland metro) have been impacted, with this train being the first of the day through Pokeno

1 February 2023

Becoming less common by the day, DC 4058 leads train 229 throug Mercer with DL 9187 tucked in behind. With just a handful of DC class locomotives remaining, the class is usually seen on shunting duties rather than on mainline freight trains in the North Island, and indeed DC 4058 came off train 229 and straight onto M52 at Te Rapa

16 June 2023

A short train 229 stretched out behind DC 4058 and DL 9187 as the train enters Mercer station limits. DC 4058 was added to the head of the train last minute as a ban on long hood leading required a second DC locomotive in Te Rapa for the Waikato dairy shunt trains

16 June 2023

Passing the level crossing control box, train 229 enters Mercer station limits with DC 4058 in charge and DL 9187 assisting

16 June 2023

Ahead of a passenger trip by Ww 644, DL 9227 emerges from underneath Hamilton town centre and onto the bridge at Claudelands, with train MP5S in tow

1 July 2023

DL 9227 crosses the Waikato River at Claudelands with MP5S

1 July 2023

Shortly afterwards, DL 9792 heads the other way with train 324, as a rain shower sets in

1 July 2023

DL 9792 passes through a rain shower and underneath the footbridge at Claudelands, before passing underneath Hamilton town centre

1 July 2023

In the early morning sun, DL 9515 leads train MP4 through Tuakau on its way to Southdown

9 September 2023

Running as train 229, DL 9544 rolls down the Whangarata bank on its way south, sporting new handrails along the side. In the background, Pōkeno's well-known fog is still burning off

11 July 2024

A lonely wagon sits in the loop at Mercer, after being removed from train 221 the previous night. The wagon was observed by us emitting sparks from underneath, prompting a call to KiwiRail to have the train checked

4 September 2024

The solitary wagon in the loop at Mercer, with one of Mainline Steam's Garratt locomotives on temporary tracks nearby

4 September 2024

DL 9613 and DL 9037 roll through Mercer with train 228 in tow, passing the wagon on the loop

4 September 2024

Train 228 heads north into Auckland

4 September 2024

Further up the line at Pōkeno, DL 9550 and DL 9567 cruise down the Whangarata bank with train 229 on the drawgear. DL 9567 is now the second DL with extra handrails along the side

4 September 2024

In the consist of train 229 was SRC 3436 and SRV 5859, returning to Hamilton after a trip to Westfield

4 September 2024

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