Mother's Day Eve Express

A small jaunt from Waiuku to Rotokauri behind DBR 1254
13 photos in this gallery. Showing photos 1 - 13

Sitting at Victoria Ave station waiting for departure, DBR 1254 waits for passengers to board

8 May 2021

On the other end of the train, DBR 1295 has brought the train as far down the line as possible. Both DBRs were required as the train is too long for the crossing loop with 7 carriages plus the AG van, also making this the longest consist GVR has run on the mainline

8 May 2021

At Rotokauri, DBR 1254 becomes the first heritage locomotive to use the new station, just a month after opening

8 May 2021

The train awaits departure from Rotokauri. From here, passengers could choose to transfer to buses for a buffet lunch at Vilagrad Winery, spend a free day at the Base, or continue to Waharoa

8 May 2021

Buses wait to take passengers to Vilagrad while the train awaits departure

8 May 2021

Viewed from the bus, DBR 1254 sits at Rotokauri station

8 May 2021

On the return journey to Waiuku, DBR 1254 waits for passengers to rejoin the train

8 May 2021

The heritage train contrasts with the brand new station, normally used for Te Huia

8 May 2021

At the northern end of the station, DBR 1254 overhangs the platform to allow the carriages to fit

8 May 2021

Looking ahead from Rotokauri station

8 May 2021

Behind the excursion train, DL 9659 waits with train GC8 for DBR 1254 to clear the section

8 May 2021

DBR 1254 leads the train over the bridge at Taupiri

8 May 2021

Back at Victoria Ave after dark, DBR 1254 sits on the head of the train while passengers head home. Later, DBR 1295 would come down to take the train away

8 May 2021

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