A Te Huia Adventure
Heading out to Henderson on the Western Line, AM 497 passes around the curves at Quay Park junction on its way out ot Watematā. The curves here pass through the original platforms at the old Auckland station, before a replacement station was opened as Britomart in 2003 (now Waitematā)
5 February 2024
The train's first stop after departing the city is at Puhinui, the recently opened interchange station. Here, Te Huia connects to the Southern and Eastern lines, as well as the Airport Link bus service towards Auckland International Airport; the latter gives Hamilton residents a full public transport option to catch their flight
5 February 2024
After hanging around in Te Rapa for some time, DL 9348 departs the yard with train MP99 in tow, heading towards Tauranga along the East Coast Main Trunk. The platform in the foreground has not seen any regularly scheduled passenger trains since the cancellation of the Kaimai (to Tauranga) and Geyserland (to Rotorua) Expresses in October 2001, but does see occasional charter use
5 February 2024
With our journey taking place on a Monday and being a quiet freight day, the only other train to pass through between Te Huia services was a shunt service to Waitoa, with DC 4467 leading DC 4260 light loco out of Te Rapa. The locomotives are heading to collect loaded wagons, and two DCs are now required due to the banning of long hood leading; a consequence of the rollover of DCP 4605
5 February 2024
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